Successful Employees Training to be Managers ALWAYS get back up long after others give up.

Successful Managers do the jobs others never want to.

Throughout the country we found the most successful management knew how to work with kids from the first interview to ‘putting them on the floor’ for the first time.  Their secret to success all seem to parallel each other.   After the preliminary application process, the first ‘sit down’ in person doesn’t seem to be much about ‘the job.’  These managers, owners, CEO’s just talk to us like we are people.  They want to know about our interests, school, sports, volunteer history, what we like to do, favorite and least favorite school subjects and more.  They work to ensure the fear we walked in with dissipates throughout that interview before a discussion of the job and what will be expected of us.  They tell us what we can expect FROM THEM.  They take the time to find out if their position is a right fit for us.  Are we going to feel we can be successful there or is this something that will just add more stress to our lives?   It’s best for all concerned.  We gain confidence, enjoy our first position to the fullest and they get a great employee for their team.

  We found the greatest managers are TEACHERS not BOSSES; that they realize through kindness and understanding and being there for us we will take away so much more than

‘lording over us’ to ‘make us better.’

     They train with professional TRAINERS.  These managers, nor the team, are training us.  And, although most use computer training, that is only part of the process.   Those who only use computer training then ‘throw us on the floor,’ are the ones we found are the least successful for happy kids. These great employers work with us personally for as long as needed so we feel more confident to start this new facet of our lives with a bit less fear.

    The successful employers give us work ‘buddy’ post training; someone to be side by side with us until WE feel ready; not until THEY think we are ready.

  All these managers had professional training and/or life experiences working with kids.  They understand the life stresses we survive daily.  They understand, and work with our schedules; not just school but, volunteering, special education opportunities, sports and more.  They understand that the job is not the ONLY important thing in our lives and we aren’t made to feel that the job is the most important thing for us to be dedicated to….it’s a stepping point.  Yes, we are expected, and should make sure we are truly 100% dedicated to our job while we are there; during work hours that IS the most important thing we are doing.  But, these managers understand our lives beyond the job and WANT US TO HAVE A GREAT FIRST WORK EXPERIENCE as they all believe that can be one of the most important stepping stones in the beginning of our adult lives.  They all feel they are there to teach us things we will use in every aspect of our adult lives and future jobs.  They all realize this first job is most likely not going to be our career but they treat us like it could be.

   These managers help us be part of a team.  They teach us how very important being part of a team is.  They know they are the least important part of the team.  The ‘Ice Cream Sundae.’  They know we are the ice cream and they are the cherry.